1·Now promise me to remember this, and expect me on the 21st of May at the same hour in the forenoon.
2·If you are here tomorrow you will see him at the same hour again.
3·So Marius saw them nearly every day, at the same hour, during the first year.
4·Get six to eight hours of sleep, and go to bed at the same hour every night.
5·Both she and my 6-year-old daughter had lost a tooth on the same day, at the very same hour!
6·Now promise me to remember this, and expect me the 21st of May at the same hour in the forenoon.
7·It was the same day and the same hour of the day on which they had all gone into the wardrobe to hide.
8·And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them.
9·Each day of the same hour you entered an artificially-lit room, undressed and took up the same positioning in front of a motion picture camera.
10·The announcer said that the adventure of Little Bear will be continued tomorrow evening at the same hour and wished us "Good night little boys and girls".
电视里的播报员说, “ 小熊的历险 ” 在明天同样的时间会继续,而祝我们 “ 小朋友们晚安 ” 。